Alfredo Iztas

Diamond Real Estate





Real estate sees no color, background, appearance, or size of a mortgage loan. We all come from different backgrounds, but the real estate goal is the same. No matter if you are looking to buy or sell a home, we are here to help you achieve your goals.I have been in the real estate industry for the last 9 years. My first 3 years, I built my own inventory of spec homes and sold them myself in Benton Country. On top of that, I have spent the last 6 y ears pursuing a double major in Real Estate and Project Management and finally graduated from Ashford University in August of 2020! In 2021, I got my Designated Broker's license and here we are! I believe both fields feed off-of each other. One needs land (real estate) to build on (project management) and then the sale (real estate) of the structure. By having home building experience, I have become much more valuable as a real estate agent to my clients.I treat every transition, big or small, like it was my own purchase or sale. I am committed to give you grade A customer service and relentless effort to get you to the next level. I look forward on working with you on your real estate goals.

My Markets


(509) 778-2826


216 E Woodin Ave #2, CHELAN, WA, 98816




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