Brenda Kinder

Brenda Kelley & Associates





Brenda Kinder works out of John L. Scott's Columbia Gorge office and has been licensed in Washington and Oregon since 2004. Before working in the real estate industry, she owned a beauty salon but was drawn to becoming a broker because of her fascination with homes and the process that goes into creating them. She is an expert in single-family residential properties but has also made some commercial and farm sales.Brenda's approach to offering the best possible service to clients is using all of the tools at her disposal to help clients become informed consumers. She believes that whether working with a buyer or seller, the most important thing she can offer clients is the information they need to make an informed decision. She believes her clients know what they are looking for and enjoys sharing her expertise to help them get where they want to go in life.Helping her clients attain success is one of Brenda's top priorities. A favorite saying that guides her approach is that "cooler heads prevail" in business. She takes this saying to heart in each transaction, putting her ego aside to get her clients what they need. Brenda views competing brokers as peers and is collaborative in her approach to getting things done. As a result of this approach, she is well-respected by other brokers and has earned many repeat clients and referrals.As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, Brenda is involved in her local congregation's Bible education work. She also enjoys spending time with her family, including her husband, Elmer, six grandchildren, and two dogs. Other interests of Brenda include gardening and quilting, and her family inspires her daily.

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(541) 402-5030





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