Toni Lepoer

Sonoran Lifestyle Real Estate





Toni LePoer joined Sonoran Lifestyle Real Estate in early 2017 as a Sales Associate. She began her career in the real estate world as a trained licensed transaction coordinator. After a long career in hospitality and spa management, she decided to scratch her itch for helping people be in love with their homes. Her first two years in real estate were spent learning the business from the ground up as a Client Care Specialist, helping the client through every aspect of buying and selling a home from start to finish. She has a strong reputation for helping to make the move for each client as seamless as possible.Originally a Virginia/Washington DC native, her career focus has been high end customer service oriented companies. She was the director of the Hilton EFOREA spa, Designer for Crate & Barrel and Co-owner of a contracting and design company. The contracting company specialized in renovations to historic accuracy for the many historic homes in and around the Washington DC area. Working alongside her husband in renovations as well as the design work we did with Crate & Barrel grew her love for homes and helping others create their own places to love and grow. This made the transition to real estate a natural.A family vacation originally brought Toni and her husband to Arizona. By the third day they were hooked and knew Arizona was their new home. They made the move in 2006 with their two miniature dachshunds Oscar and Penelope. Outside of helping people realize the dream of home ownership, Toni enjoys gardening, cooking, the arts and diving; both Toni and her husband are certified SCUBA divers. Being a self-proclaimed “water baby” that loves the dessert landscape led her to volunteer at the dessert botanical gardens.Toni LePoer

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(928) 202-7929


16824 E. Ave. of the Fountains #22 Fountain Hills AZ, 85268



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