Clay Strawn

Legion Realty





Clay Strawn, Broker/Owner of Legion Realty, has been in the real estate business for over 20 years. Clay is a high volume Broker with extensive experience servicing various clients both institutional and traditional. In 2012 Clay opened Legion Realty (formerly EXIT Realty Sun Living) in Chandler, AZ. Clay was introduced to the real estate industry from the insurance end of the business in 2001 when he earned his insurance license and sold Property insurance in addition to Casualty, Life, and Health insurance. The next year Clay obtained his Real Estate Appraisals license and in the following year, his real estate license. Living in a small rural town at the time and wearing multiple hats in the industry, Clay quickly learned many aspects of the real estate business. In 2006, Clay moved to the Chandler/Gilbert Arizona area and quickly earned his Arizona real estate license. Immersed in a larger market, Clay intensified his real estate focus and developed a formula for success. Since making the move to the Phoenix area, Clay has personally sold over 1000 homes.With his extensive experience and background, Clay has a very solid understanding of the real estate market along with all factors involved in both listing and selling properties. His vast knowledge gives him an advantage in properly pricing a property to sell in the quickest amount of time for the maximum sales price possible. Clay believes that knowledge is power, and to ensure he is the best educated resource for his clients and his agents, Clay has completed many industry designations. He also holds a Bachelors’ Degree in Business from the University of Southern Indiana.For Clay, building a real estate business is about building relationships with the clients he serves. When you work with Clay, you have a friend and advocate in the business for life, and your advocate is ranked one of the best in the business nationally. Clay’s clients have such an incredible resource supporting them through their real estate transactions. Whether you are selling a distressed property, buying your first home, your last home or building your investment portfolio, Clay Strawn has the skills and expertise to make your real estate dreams a reality.

My Markets


(480) 422-8980


1490 S PRICE RD STE 305, CHANDLER, AZ, 85286




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