Christine Gioia

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Black Canyon City




Christine's previous career as a Massage Therapist afforded her incredible opportunities that she’d never dreamed of. Through many life changes, she decided what she really wanted out of her life; she began feeling that there was something else she should be doing.You probably wouldn't expect the world of massage to be fast-paced and action-packed, but for the vast majority of her career as a Massage Therapist, that was what her life was like. When Christine first went to massage school, you would have been hard-pressed to find a spa. It was a new industry, and she was excited to be getting in on the ground floor.Her interest came from a place of wanting to help people and having gone through pain herself. Christine was involved in a car accident when she was in high school. Through massage therapy she realized there was a marked difference; she wasn’t instantly healed, but she was feeling much better and realized there was something to this form of therapy.Another big influence was her father’s career as a Sports Therapist working with runners and athletes. Between the exposure to his work and her own experience, she was able to better understand what people were going through and be better equipped to help them.Upon graduating from school, Christine started working for the Arizona Biltmore Resort and Spas, which resulted in the incredible opportunity to be the Phoenix Mercury Women Basketball team’s Massage Therapist. One thing led to another which eventually led her to working with renowned entertainers. She didn’t care to cater to a particular clientele; she just wanted to help people and do good work.In the midst of her travels, Christine met her now husband who was a loan officer. It opened her up to the real estate World. They enjoyed going to open houses and took every opportunity to stop and go in if they ever saw one while driving. Spending time with him allowed to her to see a different side of Real Estate that most clients and even their agents are not privy to; it now helps her educate her clients through the process and give them even better guidance.Christine had no idea that real estate would become what it has for her. But it grew into a passion. It was a new avenue through which she could help people in the biggest way imaginable. She could bring them home and be a part of helping them find a place to create new memories. She’d love to do the same for you.Working as a Massage Therapist for as long as she did has contributed to what she believes is one of the most important aspects of the relationship between Realtors and clients. People often feel very vulnerable during a massage, as do people when buying or selling a home. In both cases, the relationship is built on trust. Christine's there to take care of her clients and provide them relief. She creates genuine connections with her clients as they find her to be down to earth and real. She’s not someone hiding behind a persona. Getting veterans into homes is also a responsibility she takes very seriously and she’s always available to help them find the resources they need. She likes the diversity this career brings and actually enjoys the negotiating aspect of a transaction. For anyone who’s anxious about buying or selling a home, be it the first of one of many, Christine is there to support them and show them the options available. She’d love the opportunity to do that for you!

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(855) 944-0050


4222 N Marshall Way, Scottsdale, AZ, 85251




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