Anne Loveland

Coldwell Banker Realty

Los Angeles


Top Real Estate Agent in Los Angeles



The Loveland Carr Group has been a trusted residential real estate advisor to Sellers &Buyers in the Hancock Park area for nearly 40 of its 100 years existence. Anne Loveland,Janet Loveland & Sue Carr’s local roots run deep. We have lived in the community sincethe early 1980s, own properties locally, invest in local schools, publications, historicalpreservation overlay zones, social clubs, fundraisers, churches & services on LarchmontBoulevard. We are women who are quick with a smile and a helpful hand. We lovecreating events, throwing parties, sensational architecture & sharing beauty. As muchwisdom as we gained, rest assured that we joyfully learn & grow everyday for ourselves &those we continue to serve!

My Markets

Beverly Hills, Brookside, Fremont Place, Hancock Park, Larchmont Village, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Windsor Square


(323) 460-7606


251 N Larchmont Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90004




Years of Experience


Recent Sales


Properties Sold


Average Selling Price


Lifetime Career Sales

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Winners work with Winners. TrueParity brings together multiple data sources to give a clear understanding of agent performance. We composite online and off market data so you always see who are truly the best performers. Agents are benchmarked against all their local peers on key performance indicators.

You’ll need one of the best real estate agents to get you the price you want. Top real estate agents in the area are proven to get better outcomes for their clients.

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Multiple years experience
Highest Value Transaction Closed in your ZIP code
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